Swiss Medica is offering access to Multiple Sclerosis stem cell therapy. This Multiple Sclerosis Treatment are being studied for their efficacy in improving the complications in patients with MS, through the use of stem cells.
People suffered from Multiple sclerosis disease facing every day with new challenges in disease progression and living with Ms brings many difficulties in their lives.
Living with Ms psychotherapy
Can you
live a normal life with ms?
Of course that every person can living with multiple sclerosis very positive. No matter how often symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be expressed in every person, positive attitude is very important in every Ms patient.
Multiple Sclerosis patient from London shares an experience with treatment in Swiss Medica clinic.
Multiple sclerosis news comes from the United Kingdom. Patient diagnosed with Secondary Progressive Ms three years ago receives treatment with stem cells in Ms therapy center. Ms patient from the UK passes two SC treatments from bone marrow and adipose tissue, in both extraction patient receives a large number of renewed cells.
Two weeks after treatment first improvements are observed by patient itself and clinical staff.
Few days ago post about supporting patient with Ms are published in Ross Shire Journal. Funds needed for stem cell treatment are gathering and prognosis goes in right way.
Swiss Medica clinic supporting this action and donation, and also wants to thank everyone who participated in this action.
As Ms patient daughter says she is very grateful and we convey her words: "We have reached our fundraising target thanks to the amazing generosity of our friends and family, and lots of folk we don't know - from far away as Germany, Norway, Finland and Canada.
Ms Treatment Europe improving Stem Cell treatments
Using new technologies we constantly improving our approach to every aspect of Ms Treatment with stem cells.
Trying to provide best possible treatments all Swiss Medica's doctors and stem cells specialists participate in various seminars and internships that have results for improving knowledge and better access and preparing each treatment with stem cells.
Few days ago post about supporting patient with Ms are published in Ross Shire Journal. Funds needed for stem cell treatment are gathering and prognosis goes in right way.
Swiss Medica clinic supporting this action and donation, and also wants to thank everyone who participated in this action.
As Ms patient daughter says she is very grateful and we convey her words: "We have reached our fundraising target thanks to the amazing generosity of our friends and family, and lots of folk we don't know - from far away as Germany, Norway, Finland and Canada.
Ms Treatment Europe improving Stem Cell treatments
Using new technologies we constantly improving our approach to every aspect of Ms Treatment with stem cells.
Trying to provide best possible treatments all Swiss Medica's doctors and stem cells specialists participate in various seminars and internships that have results for improving knowledge and better access and preparing each treatment with stem cells.
According statistical reports in there is 100.000 people affected by Multiple Sclerosis in the UK, also this disease affects around 2.5. million people around the world. When
looking at the UK alone, increase in number of multiple sclerosis patients in UK is troublesome.
One in every 600 residents live with this condition, whilst 100 new individuals
are diagnosed each week.
When people who living with ms searching for very wide range of information or appropriate treatment they visits lot of data with very useful information about ms disease progression, types of treatments, drugs, medications etc.
Best way to find proper information about treatment of disease is to find ms stories about stem cell treatment.
There can meet with true experiences that people suffers from ms disease passed, there can find real stories about life before and after treatment for ms.
One good way also is to search Multiple Sclerosis testimonials and interviews on YouTube where patients share their experiences not only about treatment, but also with clinics specialized for Ms treatment, physical therapies, diets etc.
Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) -
Clear relapse and remission periods are the most characteristic for this type of multiple sclerosis. This means that a patient experiences attacks (also
called flare-ups, relapses or exacerbations) for a shorter period of time,
after which the health stabilizes and a person feels good again.
At this stage of the ms disease
it might not look like the condition is overall progressing or worsening. The
relapse-remission cycle may repeat many times, usually about twice a year.
Relapsing Rremitting ms symptoms
Early-initiated long-term therapy
is safe and improves outcomes. Relapsing remitting ms symptoms can be improved by Natalizumab reduces the relapse rate more than
first-line agents; however, due to issues of adverse effects is a second-line
agent reserved for those who do not respond to other treatments or with
severe ms disease. Mitoxantrone, whose use is limited by severe adverse effects,
is a third-line option for those who do not respond to other medications.
Treatment of clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) with interferons decreases the
chance of progressing to clinical MS
Approximately 85% of patients are initially diagnosed with this type of MS.
Multiplesclerosis symptoms can manifests itself usually through neurological problems, but can also
affect many different parts of a body, as well as a mental and psychiatric
state of a person. Even though signs and symptoms can vary, they often include
motor, autonomic and visual issues.
Diagnosing early signs of Ms
Early signs of ms can be manifest in many of different ways, and can be combination of different problems. Usually can begin with problems in coordination and balance, also dizziness and vertigo may follow when persons stands up after long seating. These problems usually can be first symptoms of ms.
Multiple sclerosis symptoms researches
Multiple sclerosis researches and statistic show that 85% of patients feels their first symptoms very mild, but this early multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms can progress rapidly.
Ms symptoms and therapy
Progression of multiple sclerosis symptoms can be stopped and disease can be cured with using right method of stem cell therapy for ms.
Almost all ms patients that suffer from Relapsing-remitting
ms, eventually come to the next stage of a disease which is secondary progressive ms. During SPMS multiple sclerosis starts to progress more steadily,
but that doesn’t have to mean it’s going to get worse faster.
Usually all patients diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis have difficult and often very often problems with urinary tract, walking, balance, vision and many others.
Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis case study
Tremors are a common problem of multiple sclerosis patients. These uncontrollable shakings can affect a few different body parts, usually
limbs. They can be more or less severe, noticeable only by a person experiencing them, or visible by others as well.
In most cases, it's very hard to diagnose Ms, at first and many other conditions tend to mimic it, which is why approximately 10% of people are wrongly diagnosed with this disorder. Brain infection, multiple strokes, blood vessel inflammation, high-stress levels and vitamin deficiency are all candidates to be initially mistaken for multiple sclerosis by doctors.
How is ms diagnosed? Which symptoms of Ms can be diagnosed first?
One specific test that would accurately show whether or not a person suffers from multiple sclerosis doesn’t exist. Neurologists use a numerous of different tests and ways in order to confirm the diagnose. For all potentially patients, very important is diagnosing sings and symptoms of Ms, after the questionnaire process, come neurological tests, which are also important. Using imaging tests such as MRI allows a more detailed presentation of the brain and spinal cord, showing any irregularities, if present. MRI is most often used when multiple sclerosis is suspected because it gives a view of any deeper inflammation. However, on about 5% of multiple sclerosis patients, this test will show negative results because their brain lesions will not be visible this way. Another problem is that people with high blood pressure or diabetes can have similar MRI results.
A spinal tap for ms is another test that can be used in Multiple sclerosis and diagnosis. Evoked potentials test is an electrical nerve test, which helps a doctor see if the parts of the brain responsible for sight, touch and hearing are affected. Even though blood test can’t show signs of multiple sclerosis, it can help eliminate conditions that look like multiple sclerosis, which is why it is sometimes recommended.
Swiss MedicaMultiple Sclerosis Treatment are being studied for their
efficacy in improving the complications inpatients with MS, through the use of
stem cells. These procedures may help patients who don’t respond to
typical drug treatment, want to reduce their reliance on medication or are looking
to try stem cell therapy before starting drug treatment.
This stem cell treatmentis designed to target the myelin
sheath by introducing adult mesenchymal stem cells past the blood brain barrier
so they may differentiate into and repair the myelin sheath nerve cells.
Multiple Sclerosis is an auto-immune condition, adipose derived mesenchymal
stem cells have the ability to repair the immune system; keeping it from
attacking itself.
The procedure is completely safe,
painless and quick. Stem cells used for treatment are taken from patient’s own
body, therefore eliminating any possible side effects or rejections. They are
extracted from either adipose tissue or bone marrow. After being medically
treated, stem cells are ready to be transferred to patient’s organism.
This new treatment helps patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis, to reduce their MS symptoms, and also to improve overall health condition.
As a cure for MS is not find yet, this new treatment shows very good results.